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OpenAI’s Delusions Reach New Heights: Now They Think They Can Make Chips Too

OpenAI Throws Its Hat In The Microchip Ring Like It’s Some Sort of Celebration

AI Know-It-Alls Decide They’re Magically Chip Makers Now

Just when you thought OpenAI couldn’t get any more pompous, they’re now looking to start manufacturing their own processing chips. Yeah, and I’m looking into becoming a rocket scientist. Amid a worldwide shortage of these much-needed components, OpenAI’s thought it’d be brilliant to throw some more chaos into the market by snapping up some rinky-dink, no-name company to help foster their high-nosed ambition. Apparently, they’re one algorithm away from breaking this ‘shortage.’

Oh! The Glorious Implications of Technology

Should our dear OpenAI successfully invade the chip-making scene, we could be seeing chatbots spitting out hilarious non-sequiturs at light-speed or maybe even real-time holograms of our favorite celebrities doing the Macarena. The implications are storied and vast – AI could become faster, stronger, smarter, and have all our heads spinning from the disorienting speed of progress that had little regard for societal adaptation in the first place.

Brace Yourselves for My Wise Analysis

What if our resident AI know-it-all pulls this off? Does it mean we have to withstand a new era of speed-talking robots and reality-distorting holograms? God save us if we have to see a holographic rendition of the Macarena again. On the other hand, if they fail, we get to watch the spectacle of OpenAI making a mess in another industry. Either way, we mere mortal bystanders are in for a show. Stock up on popcorn, folks, the clown has entered the circus.

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