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“Predictive AI: The Yawn-Inducing Relic Begging for Attention in a Generative AI World”

Look Who’s Begging for Attention: Old School AI vs. Generative AI

Decrepit Predictive AI Tries to Steal the Spotlight from Glamorous Generative AI

Sure, because we needed another distraction, some attention-seeker is now telling us we shouldn’t abandon “old school AI” (aka snorefest predictive AI) for the undeniably fabulous generative AI. This yawn-inducing article argues that we should perfect predictive models and enhance pattern recognition to speed up the so-called AI revolution. Oh, great, another revolution.

Why Bother with Musty Old AI? Its Possible Implications

So, apparently, sinking resources into polishing the turd that is predictive AI will help us in numerous ways. Since we’re forced to contemplate these outdated AI technologies, here’s the deal: improvements in predictive AI could supposedly improve the efficiency in energy use, optimize traffic systems, and other mundane tasks to make our insipid daily lives marginally more convenient. Yeah, never heard that before.

Hot Take: Get over the Nostalgia Already

Listen, predictive AI has had its moment, and it was duller than watching paint dry. But let’s face it, state-of-the-art generative AI has way more sex appeal and keeps us entertained with fresh possibilities that go beyond just dumb prediction. Let’s cut the cord and look forward. So, my hot take? Stick with the cool, attention-grabbing generative AI and let the old school AI gather dust while it gets prettied up for a future party that will never happen.

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