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AI Attempts to Manage Diabetic Blood Sugar: Prepare for Robo-Doctors that Couldn’t Care Less

AI Gets Test Run in Simulated Diabetic Blood Sugar Management: Anybody Could Do Better

A Brief Recap of the Rootin’ Tootin’ Details

To everyone’s faux-surprise, some folks in white lab coats have coerced an artificial intelligence model into a test run, seeing if it is worth its weight in microchips in managing blood sugar levels for diabetes patients. Its success on the ‘elite’ virtual patients makes the boffins believe it might even work on us flesh and blood humans.

Oh, Now the Machines are Playing Doctor?

What this implies, my dear numbskulls, is that we could soon have cold, unfeeling robo-doctors responsible for managing our health. Yippee. Apparently, getting pricked for blood sugar tests wasn’t uncomfortable enough; now we can throw in the existential terror of having our inner chemical balance under the watchful, soulless eyes of artificial intelligence. How’s that for bedside manner?

Didn’t Any of these Eggheads Watch Terminator?

Skipping past the heinous amount of faults in this idea, let’s count the ways this could go wrong: one, the AI could make a mistake, becoming the digital equivalent of Dr. Death. Two, good luck making any programming capable of compassion and empathy. Three, artificial intelligence doesn’t come down with the flu, get cut by knives, or bleed, so how can it possibly understand a human patient, let alone a diabetic one?

So, here’s to the lunatic idea of entrusting our health to incapable machines. After all, isn’t it just wonderful to be on the verge of becoming lab rats in our own homes? This isn’t a leap forward for technology; it’s a nosedive into a dystopian nightmare where tech overlords have the power to make or break us simply by adjusting their algorithms. It’s all a tragically hilarious, laugh-till-you-cry, or in this case, laugh-until-you-hypoglycemia, state of affairs.

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