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AI Fix to Sales Woes: Desperate Companies Need Senzai’s Nanny Tech

AI Knows It All: Senzai Plays Matchmaker for Pathetic Companies

Summary: Senzai’s technology is desperate to fix failing sales campaigns

In this riveting news, Senzai is using its so-called AI optimization to help hopeless Latin American companies find the right customers. This technology measures impact, experimentation, and optimization to predict which sales campaigns will appeal to customers, because apparently, these businesses are too clueless to do this on their own.

Possible implications: Senzai enables the blind leading the blind with AI

As if the world wasn’t already tired of buzzwords like “disruption” and “innovation,” Senzai wants to make a name for itself by providing a technological crutch to struggling companies. This “AI” they speak of may help businesses get to know their customers better, but what’s really left for the humans behind the screens? Relying on machines to do the heavy lifting of decision making not only stunts companies’ growth but also can lead to a massive loss of jobs. It’s time for companies to learn how to stand on their own two feet and stop seeking shortcuts through AI.

Hot take: Senzai is coddling the weaklings of the business world

While Senzai is drooling to help weak companies survive by playing technological mommy, maybe it’s time to reevaluate. Should we be handing over the control of sensible decision-making to technology? Perhaps businesses need to grow a spine, learn how to read the market, and stop expecting AI to do all the hard work for them.

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