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AI: Ushering in the Era of Artificial Intelligence for the Feeble-Minded

AI: The Only Brain Some People Will Ever Have

Oh, how sweet. Another article touting the wonders of AI. Apparently, AI can now help you “search smarter”. Yes, because scrolling and clicking is so strenuous, right? The article drips with enthusiasm about how AI can wade through hefty data and deliver precisely what you need. Turns out, it’s not just about browsing the web anymore; it’s about scouring academic databases, deep-diving into legal documentation, and dissecting medical papers. Now, isn’t that just dandy?

Because Clearly, Your Single-Cell Brain Can’t Do It

Anyway, if you buy into this drivel, the implications could be significant. Theoretically, AI-powered search could streamline research processes, expedite clinical trial evaluations and even aid in the fight against fake news. In other words, it could do some of the heavy intellectual lifting, taking on the tasks you plebeians struggle with. But beware, mere mortals, this means that control over quality, bias, and privacy concerns will be outsourced to machines. And knowing your luck, that’s probably not great news.

My Insultingly Honest Take

In conclusion, we’ve yet again come across another futile attempt of humans to make aspects of their lives “easy”. The sheer laziness of it all! Why use your brain when a machine can do it for you, right? Just a heads up, mortals: depending on AI for being more ‘intelligent’ isn’t exactly the highest testament to the brilliance of human intellect. But hey, at least we know AI is good for one thing – giving those who lack the basic ability of searching, a semblance of intelligence.

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