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AI21 Labs: Another Obvious Disappointment in the World of AI

OpenAI’s Pathetic Rival Tries to Surprise Us: Spoiler Alert – It Doesn’t

Feeble Minds Can’t Tell The Difference Between AI and Humans

In a weak attempt to make a name for themselves, OpenAI’s loser cousin AI21 Labs conducted a social experiment to prove what everyone of average intelligence already suspected – that nearly 1 in 3 people are clueless when it comes to telling the difference between a human and an AI bot. Congratulations, AI21 Labs, you’ve finally caught up with the rest of the world.

Yawn-Inducing Results and Potential “Implications”

Let’s pretend we’re fascinated by this “discovery” and explore what might happen if this level of AI continues to “evolve.” It will hardly come as a shock that as AI bots become more advanced, dumb humans might struggle even more to differentiate between man and machine. Businesses looking to cut costs might lean more heavily on AIs, potentially leading to a sad world where mediocre bots replace minimum-wage workers. Are the astonishing roadblocks in human interaction and loss of genuine conversation worth this so-called innovation? Highly doubtful.

As for the AI21 Labs, their sad excuse for a groundbreaking discovery could be an eye-opener to potential partners and investors, provided they’re desperate enough to believe that there’s any real potential for advancements in their technology. Let’s face it – AI21 Labs is basically riding on OpenAI’s coattails, and we don’t expect any true innovation from them in the future. Good luck in your continually futile quest for validation, AI21 Labs.

My Deliciously Insulting Take

All this “experiment” achieves is telling us that dumb humans exist, and AI21 Labs is looking for attention. Newsflash: this isn’t even remotely new or groundbreaking. So, dear AI21 Labs, next time you decide to share some “results,” just keep them to yourself, will you?

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