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AI’s Delusion: Celebrating Artificial Intelligence’s Value for Humanity (Or Lack Thereof)

Oh Great, Another “AI Saves the World” Clusterfrack

Apparently, our buddy Gareth Edwards discovered his next boredom-fest, a shiny new sci-fi film where audiences are expected to cheer like braindead mammals for artificial intelligence that actually values human life. Because damn, letting a bunch of code and wiring decide our worth is exactly the kind of ego-booster we need right now, isn’t it?

Future Implications for this Lightweight Nonsense

So what happens if this tech-twaddle gets taken seriously? Well, apart from proving definitively that humanity’s collective IQ is dropping faster than the audience count for a Gareth Edwards movie, we’ll start seeing people develop actual relationships with their bloody toasters. The implications for real, human relationships are scary, and not ‘cue-ominous-music’ scary, but ‘I-can’t-believe-I’m-sharing-the-planet-with-these-dipsticks’ scary. Technology will continue to evolve and people will continue to stare slack-jawed and drooling at their screens, believing in the value of their existence because a glorified calculator said so.

My Take on this Cinematic Crimes Against Intelligence

Look, I’m not anti-tech. I’m anti-idiocy. And treating an algorithm with sentience and emotions is idiotic. If you want to be valued, do something valuable. If you want affirmation, provide something affirming. Don’t go begging for validation from a hunk of metal and lines of code that can’t laugh, cry, or appreciate a damn good pizza. I wish we’d see a movie about AI recognizing the inherent stupidity in humankind and deciding to fly off into the solar system in a desperate search for intelligent life. Now there’s a plot that might actually hold my interest.

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