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Another Day, Another Privacy Invasion: X Crosses the Line Once Again, But You’ll Keep Falling for It

Another Day, Another Privacy Invasion: X Decides To Overstep Yet Again

Well, You’re Screwed: What X Wants to Know Now

Congrats, you brain-dead muppets. X, the company you trust so much with posting your daily latte art and selfies with 100 filters, wants even more of your info. According to Bloomberg, X has updated its privacy policy to inform the gullible herd –– that’s you –– that it’ll now collect your biometric data and your job history along with your education. Might as well give them your bank account details and spare them the hacking.

Your Nightmare Scenario: X’s Grand Plans with Your Data

Oh, but X isn’t stopping there. The company, clearly having a laugh at your expense, has updated another section of the policy that reveals their intentions to… well, I won’t spoil the surprise. Just know it’s nothing good. Since when has a company taken our data only to use it for our benefit, and not to line their pockets or sell it to the highest bidding data collector?

Hot Take: For How Long are We Gonna Keep Eating This Crap?

Can we just take a moment to question when we became such pushovers? It seems like the more invasive X and the like get, the more we gobble up their services like it’s the last meal on earth. I get it, how would we survive without knowing what Becky had for dinner or drooling over Ryan’s new car, but is it worth trading our privacy for? Maybe it’s high time we showed these brands that they can’t just trample our rights and expect us to say thank you. But then again, who am I kidding? We’ll just grumble about it for a day or two before going back to posting everything about our lives on the platform, completely ignoring the threats to our privacy. Well, enjoy knowing that X probably knows more about you than your mother does.

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