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Another Useless Tech Jargon: “Data is Your Moat,” What a Load of Bull

Another Load of Tech Jargon No One Cares About

Listen up, because apparently, “data is your moat,” whatever the hell that means. It’s the latest shred of nonsense from those in tech who wouldn’t know a moat from an oaf. Then there’s some research into “generative AI productivity,” which is probably just a fancy way of saying “robot slave labor.” Oh, and apparently Chief Data Officers are being set up to fail, like it wasn’t obvious those pencil pushers were doomed from the start.

Potential Implications of Your New Robo-slaves

Sure, generative AI might sound like a good idea now. More efficient work without human error, yada yada. But who’s going to take responsibility when this technology goes wrong? Instead of colored spreadsheets, we’ll be dealing with sentient, pissed off machines reminding us we’re human garbage. And let’s not get started on the privacy issues. I’m sure your personal data is safe in the hands of these AI overlords… right?

My Hot Take on this Crap

The tech industry has a serious problem with creating solutions for problems that don’t exist, and it doesn’t appear that’s going to stop anytime soon. So, strap yourselves in for more meaningless jargon and unnecessary innovation. Put simply, data isn’t your “moat,” it’s just another way for corporations to strip you of your privacy while pretending like they’re doing you a favor. Chief Data Officers, you’ve drawn the short straw – good luck dealing with this shitstorm.

End of Your Suffering

Word of advice, if they tell you that “data is your moat,” build a drawbridge.

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