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Apple’s Vision Pro Headset: The Impressive Non-Game Changer

Oh Great, Another Apple Product We Didn’t Ask For – The Vision Pro Headset

Key Points for Those Who Can’t Be Bothered to Read a Full Article

Apple, always desperate for attention, decided to show off the Vision Pro headset yesterday along with some AI-powered features. In typical Apple fashion, they completely ignored the generative AI applications that Google and Microsoft have been embracing. Guess they just want to be edgy and different, huh?

“Cool” Implications of the Technology (Sarcasm Intended)

So Apple expects us to believe that the Vision Pro headset and their “amazing” AI-powered features will change the world. But since they’ve snubbed generative AI applications like some elitist who won’t try a new trend, they’re already falling behind their competitors. Way to lead the tech revolution, Apple. But really, who needs cutting-edge technology like Google’s and Microsoft’s anyway? I’m sure Apple has something totally revolutionary under their sleeve, like a new iPhone color, perhaps?

My Scorching Hot Take

Apple continues to cling on to its predictable pattern of overhype and under-deliver. While the Vision Pro headset and AI-powered features might be exciting to some (just play along), the fact that they refuse to explore generative AI applications is just another example of their stubbornness and resistance to change. Keep trying to be the cool kids, Apple, and let’s see how long it takes for Google and Microsoft to pass you by.

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