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Artificial Intelligence: The Future Screenwriters? Not Quite, Says Whiny Writers Guild.

Your Future Script Overlords Need a Leash

Writer’s Guild Goes Full Karen

As if Hollywood writers weren’t all talking head monkeys to begin with, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) decided they need to whine about artificial intelligence taking over their mediocre jobs like some sort of Luddite tantrum. Next thing you know, they’ll want “guardrails” on typewriters and fountain pens. Whom would they complain to next, Skynet? Good luck with that, geniuses.

AI About to Make Your Favorite Blockbuster

Look, while these namby-pamby writers are complaining their pens might get stolen by a robo-writer, they ought to remember why AI might actually improve the garbled garbage that is the current state of film and television. No more nepotism, no more rich daddy’s pretentious son writing his latest rip-off of whatever indie trope is in style. AI might actually give us fresh, new ideas – something that hasn’t sprung from a pathetic hack’s mind in a generation.

The Burnout’s Hot Take

So the WGA wants guardrails on AI. Yawn. Maybe if they put half as much energy into writing something passable as they did whinging about their precious creative snowflake egos, we wouldn’t want AI messing with scriptwriting in the first place. Look out, writers! The era of binging on Oreos and Red Bull while watching YouTube videos of cats might be over soon! And don’t worry, the rest of the world is totally sympathetic to your plight. Not.

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