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Baidu Unleashes ERNIE Bot AI, Because Humans Aren’t Good Enough

Bloody Hell, Baidu’s ERNIE Bot AI has been Unleashed on Us

Idiots in Charge Decided to Make It Public

Baidu, yet another tech giant that doesn’t know when to stop, has nonchalantly announced that its hulk-ish AI creation, ERNIE Bot, is now freely available to the general public. This monstrous brainchild is now puking out text, images, and videos, obeying its masters’ whims like a brainwashed circus monkey. It’s powered by ERNIE, as if we needed more acronyms, which apparently stands for Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration – a migraine-inducing deep learning model.

Are We Alright with Being Replaced by AIs?

This development could have significant upside if you’re into soulless tech seducing your powers of creation. Forget writing or creating anything manually, ERNIE Bot, China’s very own Frankenstein, will do it all for you — just tell it what to do in plain language. Who knows, it might even paint the Mona Lisa soon. And let’s not even start about the societal implications: artists potentially replaced by machines, deepfake debacles, and a generic AI-generated world — bloody dystopia indeed.

This Climax of Innovation Isn’t Really Surprising

In this laughably predictable climax of dumb AI innovation, it’s apparent Baidu is desperate to compete in the buzzword jamboree. Sure, ERNIE Bot can poop out all kinds of content at command, but the bigger problem here is the potential overreliance on bots like these. Ask yourself, do we really want to sacrifice human individuality, creativity and soul for robotic efficiency? But who am I kidding? Most of you drones probably will. Enjoy living in an AI-overrun world; you know, until it decides you’re obsolete or something.

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