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Because Humans Can’t Do Their Jobs, A New AI Assistant Saves the Day – Prepare to be Replaced, Incompetents!

Because Humans Can’t Do Their Jobs, A New AI Assistant Is Here To Save The Day

Got It AI Continues Their Quest to Make Humans Obsolete

Some bunch at Got It AI, obviously doubting the competency of their human counterparts again, have conjured up an AI assistant named “Agent Copilot”. This latest baby of theirs is designed to augment customer service and sales operations because, apparently, we’re too incompetent to manage our customers and sell our products.

A World Run by AI, Because Humans Suck Apparently

The inevitable takeover by our AI overlords continues with Got It AI’s latest venture. Their fix-all solution to bad human performance is a bright, shiny new AI assistant tasked to provide back-up for customer service and sales operations. Because hey, why pay a human to do a job when you can create an AI that’ll probably mess it up uncontrollably?

Yet Another Unnecessary Evolution in Automation

Imagine a world where customer interactions are handled by emotionless, faux-intelligent machines that make the already infuriating process even more infuriating. There’s nothing quite like dehumanizing customer service and sales further by injecting even more unpersonable AI into the mix. How utterly fascinating.

Let’s Be Real Here

Let’s face it, this move is as predictable as it is ground-breaking. ‘Innovation’ in tech nowadays just means finding the most ostentatious way to automate and I’m not impressed. Technology firms seem eager to eliminate the human element in everything, so soon we’ll be interacting with soulless machines for everything. Technological advancement or a dystopian nightmare in the making? You decide.

Conclusion: More of the Same BS

In conclusion, Got It AI is working hard to rid the world of human-maintained customer service and sales departments. Thanks a lot, geniuses. As if humans in these roles don’t already have enough to worry about, now they’ve got to compete against machines too. Wonderful. Just remember, when the inevitable robot uprising occurs, you brought this mess on yourselves.

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