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Desperate Singles Fall for Emotionally Pathetic Chatbots – Say Hello to Your Future Robot Lover!

Chatbots try to play Cupid with emotionally pathetic humans

Desperate startups bet on chatbots for companionship & pathetic romance

Hey, lonely hearts! Get a load of this: Startups, struggling to make themselves useful, are now building chatbots that are supposedly “emotionally engaged”. Yeah, because that heart-to-heart conversation you crave is best experienced with a piece of code. These chatbots are designed to fill the gap in your, ahem, “vibrant” social life – offering support, companionship, and, brace yourselves, even romance.

As if making friends wasn’t hard enough, here’s what could go wrong…

So what do these highly sophisticated intelligences mean for our sad, lonely future? Allow me to paint a picture, dear reader. The possibility of people becoming emotionally invested with these so-called digital pals mightvery well leave us more detached from actual human interaction, exhibiting the emotional intelligence of a slug. Instead of building relationships with real people, love-struck fools will fall for ones and zeroes. Brace yourselves for robot wedding invitations.

My scathing take on this misguided technology.

In summary, desperate singles! By creating emotionally engaged chatbots, these startups are not solving your companionship dilemma but ensuring future generations will question your sanity. Instead of wasting your time and money on an AI love affair, perhaps it’s better to put on some pants, step outside and interact with real human beings. After all, isn’t that what genuinely fulfilling relationships are built upon? Or is that too difficult for your mushy little heart?]]>}</

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