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Gender Inequality Still Rampant in Tech Industry, Shocking No One

Oh, Look, Tech Bros Are Still Being Sexist!

Summary: Gender Inequality in Tech Affects Everything!

In some utterly predictable news, gender inequality is still rampant in the tech industry, affecting everything from desperate attempts to bro-out daily business interactions to the bottom line where tech dudes just can’t help but hoard all that sweet cash. Yeah, we know, it’s been beaten into your brains a million times, but apparently these tech bros need constant reminding that they’re not the only sentient beings on this planet.

Implications: More Bad News for Women in Tech

As if being talked down to and passed over for promotions aren’t bad enough, the glaring absence of gender equality in the tech world has far-reaching consequences. Men continue to dominate the decision-making tables, resulting in biased products, perpetuating stereotypes and even enabling discriminatory practices. Basically, the implication is that while tech bros are still patting themselves on the back for being progressive (as long as it doesn’t threaten their comfy positions), everyone else gets to suffer the consequences.

Hot Take: It’s About Time for Some Serious Change

In conclusion, can we all just agree that this has gone on long enough? It’s 2021, folks—how hard can it be to treat women in tech with some basic respect? Gender inequality in the tech industry holds everyone back, and as much as we love ragging on these self-important techies, it’s time for them to get their heads out of their virtual reality headsets and work on truly leveling the playing field. But hey, we won’t hold our breath. After all, old habits die hard, and some dudes just can’t help but cling to their outdated notions of superiority.

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