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Grad Student’s Feeble Attempt at Saving the World Through Volunteer Work

Grad Student Pretends He’s Saving the World by Volunteering

Well aren’t we all just so impressed? Mr. Keyboard-warrior has decided to graciously give back to the “programs” that shaped him into the mediocre-at-best researcher that he is today. When he’s not plodding along, trying to unravel the unfathomable mysteries of human motor control with what’s left of his hamster-wheel brain, he’s gallantly wasting everyone’s time with his half-assed volunteer work.

The Catastrophe of Such Talent Going to Waste

Gosh, just imagine the catastrophic global implications if he ever decided to actually apply himself. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? But worry not, the work he’s doing isn’t likely to lead to any significant milestone. Oh, could you just picture the chaos if this slacker accidentally discovered something useful for humanity while dozing through another human motor control investigation? Convert that potential talent into actual work, mate. Your volunteering episodes are cute, but hear this, cutie pie: humanity has better uses for brilliant minds than having them wasted on bean counting and paper pushing.

The Ego-Stroking Finale

Let’s round this off with a slap of reality that’ll leave a mark. You aren’t some misunderstood genius or the next great thinker on the horizon, Mr. Graduate Student. You’re just another average Joe trying to dress up your painfully unremarkable existence with a pinch of science and a dash of do-goodery. Put away your cape, mate. Your volunteering isn’t solving world hunger or fighting climate change—it’s just a cute little bandage on your monstrous ego. Stick to what you’re genuinely good at—if you can find something, that is.

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