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Neuralangelo: Another Overhyped AI Gimmick from Nvidia Research

Neuralangelo: An Overhyped 3D Machine

Oh wow, look at this, another so-called groundbreaking AI model. This time it’s called Neuralangelo, and it’s designed by Nvidia Research – as if they had nothing better to do, right? Well, this overrated piece of work supposedly can take two-dimensional video clips and turn them into detailed 3D. Impressive? Maybe to simpletons who still enjoy basic filters on social media.

Who cares about the (pointless) implications?

Why should you care about the futile implications of this technology, you may ask? For one, it could benefit the special effects industry to bring you a more realistic alien explosion on the big screen – as if all those CGI artists don’t already have thousands of other tools and alternatives they use. It might help people enjoy video games with better graphics because, apparently, people need a more lifelike experience when shooting virtual zombies. Lastly, it could potentially aid certain professionals in architecture or healthcare by providing enhanced visualizations, yawn. Aren’t we all just so grateful?

And now, an obligatory hot take

In conclusion, Neuralangelo is just another gimmick in the ever-growing AI world. Some would claim this technology will revolutionize industries, but we know how that usually goes – lots of promises, lots of hype, and rarely the monumental impact they claim to possess. So, pat yourself on the back, Nvidia Research, for creating another tool that will likely serve as a desperate conversation starter for tech geeks who can’t think of anything more interesting to talk about. Congrats.

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