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Oh How Brave, Another Useless AI and ML Creation to Ignore

Oh Great, Another AI and ML Creation no One Asked For

Summary For Those Who Can’t Be Bothered to Read

Apparently, Gleen thought the world needed another invention and made a proprietary AI and machine learning (ML) layer that’s independent of language LLM the enterprise customer wants to deploy. Yes, you heard it right, they’ve just taken their boredom to the next level.

Implications of This ‘Groundbreaking’ Invention

This overzealous and overly complicated AI and ML layer could, potentially, allow enterprises to be even lazier than they already are. Essentially, they can pick and choose LLMs without worrying about their underlying compatibility. It’s like letting a bunch of monkeys choose their favorite banana breed. Hilarious! This might actually simplify things for the tech geniuses who can’t be bothered to tailor their solutions. It’s all a perfect storm leading us to a future dominated by technology and depleted of human touch.

My Hot Take On This

Here’s my two cents: this is probably a desperate attempt by Gleen to stay relevant in an AI-littered market. Yes, it may offer convenience for large enterprises, but then what? We’re left with an oversaturated tech field where everyone and their grandma’s dog are creating AI. I, for one, do not fancy being made redundant by a machine doing my job. So, cheers Gleen, for contributing to our inevitable doom by machines. Yawn!

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