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OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise: Another Pointless Tech Fad Hyping Businesses To Waste Their Money

OpenAI Unleashes Another Chatbot Monstrosity on Unsuspecting Businesses

Summary of Yet Another Useless Software

So, evidently, the geniuses in lab coats over at OpenAI got bored of shoving their groundbreaking algorithms down our throats and decided to vomit up a new product called ChatGPT Enterprise. Their master plan is to sucker in big businesses with the promise of smoothing their operations. Truly fascinating, in the same way rubbernecking a car crash is.

Implications of this Tech Nonsense

Prepare yourself for this revelation, folks; technological implications of ChatGPT Enterprise could involve businesses wasting their resources to adopt this playground AI. If they fall for the scheme, they might integrate it into their systems and hypothetically improve their workflows. Side effects may include over-reliance on a juvenile AI, disillusionment, and agonizing regret after realizing a toddler can produce more coherent sentences.

My Hot Take on this Sham

In closing, hurray for OpenAI! They’ve unearthed yet another golden opportunity for businesses to flush their investment down the toilet. I’m sure ChatGPT Enterprise is as stellar as they believe it is. Just remember folks – the same people who proclaimed Titanic unsinkable also predicted its monumental success. So, invest at your own peril in this latest tech wonder. Or better yet, don’t.

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