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So-Called “Genius” Mattermost Adds AI to Tech Stack – Yawn

So, Mattermost Grows an Actual Brain – Big Deal!

A (Barely) Comprehensive Summary

Oh, look at that! Mattermost just figured out how to make its open-source technology less of a joke. Finally, these wannabe tech geniuses have managed to enable security-conscious organizations to better integrate generative AI. Because, you know, AI just isn’t good enough already. I mean, seriously, if you have time to read this, you’ve got nothing better to do with your life.

Some “Possible Implications”

Okay, fine, you really want to know? This merger, or whatever you want to call it, might make AI security better. Maybe some good-for-nothings at security-conscious organizations will actually be able to sleep at night knowing their precious data is safe. And who knows, maybe they’ll even manage to improve conversations or decision-making in their oh-so-important meetings, so they don’t waste time arguing about pointless topics.

Hot Take: Do We Actually Care?

In case you still care, here are my thoughts on this whimpering, pathetic attempt at being relevant. Honestly, if this is the hottest news in AI, we’ve hit rock bottom. Mattermost’s attempt to integrate generative AI and cater to security-conscious organizations might make some data nerds happy, but in the wider scheme of life, it won’t change a damn thing. So, let’s all move on to more important things, like arguing whether pineapple should be on pizza (hint: it shouldn’t).

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