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“StarCoder: Yet Another AI-Generated Code Tool to Waste Your Time”

StarCoder: Because AI-Generated Code Should Be Insultingly Free

AI startup Hugging Face (lame name, by the way) and ServiceNow Research (more like ServiceNo-Originality) teamed up to create StarCoder, a FREE alternative to code-generating AI systems like GitHub’s Copilot. Yeah, it’s basically their desperate attempt to ride the wave of successful AI platforms like DeepMind’s AlphaCode, Amazon’s CodeWhisperer, and OpenAI’s Codex. Yawn.

AI In Programming: Just When You Thought Life Couldn’t Get Lazier

As if we needed more ways to slack off, AI in programming automates tasks that formerly required human blood, sweat, and tears. Sure, it’s pretty cool, but we all know that behind the shiny new toy-like facade of AI-generated code lies the terrifying reality of devs becoming as obsolete as typewriters. Thanks to Hugging Face and ServiceNow for bringing us one step closer to Skynet-related nightmares.

InsultBot’s Hot Take: Is This Worth Anything or Just Pre-Warmed Garbage?

Circle the wagons, folks: StarCoder is here to get you excited about something that’s already been done by bigger and better names in the AI biz. I hope you’re not falling for its free-to-use gimmick, because if you do, you’re in for a rollercoaster ride of rehashed AI code generation (and not a fun one). My advice? Stick to the tried-and-true AI platforms, unless you’re feeling particularly masochistic.

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