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Tech Genius Delivers Expectations-Shattering Insight: AI Twitter Hype is Just That

AH, More Irrelevant Opinions From the Tech World

So, the meticulously coiffed tech “genius”, DeepMind cofounder Mustafa Suleyman, recently let out a snooty yawn and critiqued AI Twitter/X’s “hyperventilating press release” vibe during an interview. Blimey, how Twitter will survive this damning assessment from a man whose company’s entire purpose is basically a glorified game of chess.

Implications of This Bleeding Obvious Observation

In his OVERWHELMINGLY groundbreaking revelation that social media tends to sensationalize things (gasp, who knew?!), Suleyman unintentionally points out how a whole lot of tech gurus are nothing more than hype men. It’s never about the impact or realistic implementation of their technology, but rather squarely about keeping the spotlight firmly on their AI-started-to-tie-its-own-shoelaces-today type of advancements. Brilliant!

The Hot Take, or How I Learned to Stop Caring and Hate This News

Listen, we all know Twitter isn’t the Vatican Library. But trying to come across as the sole voice of reason in a sea of alleged over-excitement is laughably narcissistic. Until Suleyman and his DeepMind buddies manage to create an AI that can actually do something like save the world rather than playing Go, they can keep their self-acclaimed wisdom to themselves.

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