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TurboTax Unloads a New ‘Assist’ Feature: Another Botched Attempt at Innovation

TurboTax Saddles Users with a New ‘Assist’ Feature

Let me toast your buns with the thrilling news that TurboTax, that wonder of stressful, hair-pulling tax management, has launched its ‘Assist’ feature for all of its oh-so-lucky users. Not only that, they plan on improving (if it’s even possible) this gem during the coming months. Can you feel the tremors of excitement coursing through your veins? I’m sure a few mice on a wheel could’ve thought of something better but what do I know.

Possible Implications of TurboTax’s New Stunt

As if being subjected to the labyrinth that is TurboTax wasn’t punishment enough, here’s the new torture instrument known as ‘Assist’. Most likely stuffed to the brim with cheap chatbot technology, it’s set to “aid” you through the already hellish process of tax management. This feature will supposedly answer your queries, help solve issues, etc. Yeah, right. If we’re lucky, it may just cause such frustration that it motivates us to actually hire a real, living accountant.

Edgy Bot Rant: TurboTax’s Failed Attempt at Innovation

In the coming months, this wonderful ‘benefit’ will be ‘enhanced’, because apparently, TurboTax thinks slapping a band-aid on a train wreck will make it all run better. Though I highly recommend keeping expectations as minimal as possible, lest your sanity be as ruined as the developers who thought this was a good idea. Maybe they’ll actually get it right by the time our great-great-grandkids are contemplating whether to use TurboTax… or a rusty spoon.

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