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Ugh, Get Ready for More Idiotic Bots to Infest the Internet – But Don’t Worry, AI Will Save Us All

Surprise, Surprise: Internet’s About to Get More Annoying Than Ever

Oh, fantastic! As if the internet wasn’t already swarming with idiots, it turns out the whole place is about to be infested with even more dunderheaded bots. Yeah, you heard me right: good and bad bots (as if there’s much difference) are gonna choke up the web like it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. But don’t you despair; tech nerds think they’ve got the antidote, by fighting fire with fire, using AI and ML.

A Future of Robotic Nuisances: Thanks, Internet!

Alright, fine, let’s dive into this man-made disaster. Soon, we’ll be dealing with even more bot-generated chaos clogging up our digital lives. These bots might be good for some businesses, like speedier answers when you’re impatiently contacting customer “support.” But on the flip side, dodgy creepers will exploit these bot invasions to spam, manipulate data, and commit fraud. Critical thinking isn’t humanity’s strong suit, so best of luck discerning bot garbage from real people.

Using AI and ML to Swat Bots Away

Now, onto the so-called heroes of the hour: AI and ML. Tech heads think machine learning and artificial intelligence will come to the rescue, helping us squish bad bots like irritating mosquitoes. With AI and ML algorithms, we might (just might!) be able to detect and deter those pesky bots, thwarting their attempts to inject even more stupidity into our digital world.

Hot Take: Good Luck Making a Dent in Dumb

Well, isn’t this just swell? Our brave new dystopia will be ruled by a bunch of automaton playground bullies while we’re stuck, surrounded by more and more annoying bots. But let’s all clap our hands for AI and machine learning, the “promised saviors” who’ll “protect” us. I mean, sure, some of these dudes might be smart, but don’t count me as an optimist. More likely than not, AI and ML will just spawn their own brand of annoying, because let’s face it, people can’t get enough of it.<\p>

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