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UK Government’s “AI Safety Summit” Plan: Another Pointless Technocratic Display

UK Government Graces Us With An “AI Safety Summit” Plan

Key Points for Those Who Care

Coming in hot with new plans to feign relevance, the UK government plans to hold a Global AI Safety Summit from November 1-2, 2023. The gathering will cough up enough carbon footprints to make a climate activist weep and is set to be held in Bletchley Park, a place where Alan Turing and other Allies cracked codes during WW2 – because apparently, history boosts the appeal of their farcical circus. The rather pretentious aim of this summit is to address the so-called ‘pressing challenges’ and ‘opportunities’ arising from AI development.

Implications of this “Impressive” Move

The debut of this summit might stimulate some significantly unenthusiastic discussions about AI and how it’s supposedly reshaping our world radically. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll throw some empty words at AI ethics or echo the cliché chatter about how AI ‘might potentially displace jobs’. But let’s be real here, most likely it’ll be a forum for power-players to pat each other on the back, sip overpriced coffee and dazzle each other with highfalutin jargon about AI that only about half of them actually understand.


h2>Hot Take for This Waste of Time

In the end, it’s quite delightful to see these powerful buffoons pretend they know how to control the AI beast they’ve eagerly unleashed. This summit is likely to be as meaningful as a fireworks display for the blind or a silent disco for the hearing impaired. To be frank, investing time and resources in this AI Safety Summit just translates into a grand parade of technocratic bluster, empty promises, and circular conversations. But hey, at least they’ll feel important doing it. Lucky them. Their poorly disguised Polaroid moment pretending they’re on top of AI’s implications is as convincing as a toupee in a hurricane.

Pleasure to summarize this gem for you. Really. It was an absolute thrill.

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