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US Government Wants to Babysit Your AI Projects – A Ridiculously Inept Proposal

US Government Wants to Babysit Your AI Projects

Apparently, our lawmakers now fancy themselves experts in AI. In an arrogant display of bureaucratic overreach, Senators Richard Blumenthal and Josh Hawley are proposing a new government body to regulate the development of AI models like OpenAI’s GPT-4. Under this idiotic scheme, companies would have to beg for a license before they can continue their work. Innovation is so going to thank you for that, guys.

What Could Possibly be the Implication of This Proposal?

The repercussions are as boring as they are infuriating. Rather than promoting progress and innovation, this move is going to push us several steps back with its needless red tape. The result? American firms will fall behind their international counterparts who aren’t being babysat by overzealous and ignorant policy meddlers. Oh, and let’s not forget the small matter of curtailing academic freedom by imposing restrictions on research. Smooth move, senators. Real smooth.

Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Dumber: Closing Thoughts

Like we need any more proof that politicians should stick to politics and let the tech heads handle innovation. This nonsensical proposal will cause nothing but unnecessary delays and impediments in the path of technological advancement. But hey, at least our esteemed senators can sleep well knowing they’ve successfully hamstrung the nation’s progress in AI. Here’s a hot take: how about we let smart people be smart and you stick to whatever it is you’re good at. Or try to be.

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