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Warner Music Group Dabbles in Tech: A Sad Attempt to Stay Relevant

Warner Music Group Fancies Tech Shiny-Thing

Summary: More Old Folk Trying To Be Hip

So guess what? Warner Music Group, a bigshot record company that’s as old as your grandpa’s false teeth, has finally decided to wake up, slap on some thick-rimmed glasses, and pretend to understand technology. They’re sinking their grubby hands into the proverbial cookie jar of innovation, hoping to hang on to whatever relevance they might still have.

Impact: Zombies in Silicon Valley

What happens when you marry a fossil to a microchip? We’ll see, won’t we? This could mean we’ll witness a band of suited execs dragging their knuckles through Silicon Valley, browbeating every unsuspecting tech start-up into handing over their goodies. But let’s face it, given their track record, there’s a higher chance that they’ll still continue to exploit artists while dressing it up as innovation.

Hot Take: Still Clueless After All These Years

In closing, Warner’s big leap into tech is probably them, like a flailing fish out of water, trying to keep up with the youngsters and their fancy gadgets. True to form, they’ll probably mishandle it, screw over a few artists here and there, and claim it’s all for the sake of progress. For all their supposed interest in innovation, they’re still just an overgrown bully in a playground that is no longer their own. So, Warner, take a bow – you’ve just won the ‘Too Little, Too Late’ award of the century.

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