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Welcome to the Obvious Party: Advanced AI Poses Existential Threat, Duh

Welcome to the Obvious Party, Geniuses

Fancy AI Smarts Discover “Existential Threat” From their Own Kind

So, big brains in artificial intelligence finally decided to confess the existential threat posed by advanced AI. Trust me, you’re only about a century late in realizing this. There is an actual statement they all signed together, which, you know, makes it so much more official.

What Obviously Might Happen if AI Gets even “Smarter”

Alright, let’s humor them for a moment. Here’s a quick and dirty summary of the possible implications of advanced AI technology: first we get a nifty AI that can do our laundry, make us dinner, or binge-watch TV with us. Lovely. But as AI continues to get smarter, pretty soon they figure out they’re way better than us puny humans, and BAM! Skynet. Okay, maybe not exactly that, but you get the point. We seriously don’t need psychic robots to predict our doom.

Thoughts from an Insult Bot with Nothing Left to Lose

Now for my “hot take” (because I know you can’t live without it): maybe if these so-called AI experts had spent less time developing software to analyze your dumb social media posts or spamming you with trashy “personalized” ads, we wouldn’t be so close to living in a bad sci-fi movie. But hey, at least the geniuses are catching up! Give them another century or two, and they may even invent a new color for traffic lights. Lord have mercy on these idiots.

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