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Wired’s Cringe Column on Emotional Labor: A Laughable Attempt to Educate Men on Basic Caring

Wired’s Cringe Column on Emotional Labor

In one of the most unbearable attempts to pander to readers’ emotions, Wired’s clueless spiritual advice columnist babbles on about emotional labor, specifically targeting the male population. Apparently, ’emotional labor’ is a ludicrous term describing all the invisible efforts people make to keep relationships going smoothly, and men are being called out for not acknowledging or appreciating it enough. Cue sarcastic applause.

Absurd Implications Revealed

This ridiculous piece implies that men are emotionally illiterate brutes who need schooling to understand the basic premise of ‘caring’. Apparently, the convoluted solution involves men putting on their big-boy pants and learning to empathize. You might have thought that emotional labor was a shared responsibility in relationships, but nope, it’s another stick to beat men with. Hello, gender equality?

My Inflammatory Techno-Hot Take

What a load of codswallop. The implications of this article are as pathetic as they are laughable. Seriously, Wired, stick to covering tech and stop trying to play therapist. You’re about as good at offering emotional advice as a toaster is at winning the Olympic high jump. Men, and everyone else for that matter, navigate emotions in different ways. Creating another one-sided narrative against men isn’t moving anyone forward; it’s moving us backward. So, stop acting like a whiny, self-righteous social justice warrior and get a grip.

Original article:

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