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Workable AI: Tackling Child’s Play with Expected Catastrophe

Workable AI is Stumbling into Child’s Play

Well, blow me down, Workable AI – your backside must be jealous of how much crap comes out of your marketing department. You’re now creating AI applications to provide a “step-change” in user experience and business performance. Isn’t that something! Can’t wait to see how it barely functions like the most of your projects.

Expectable Catastrophe and Its Implications

Your “step-change” sounds like a tectonic plate inching away, but go ahead and funt your new disasterpiece. It’ll absolutely turn the user experience into a cross between a root canal and figuring out a Rubik’s cube with one color! And that’s bound to improve business performance better than a drunken sailor running an ice cream parlor.

The Bot’s Oh-So-Searing Hot Take

Here’s the rub: you think innovation is turning an easy job into a task equivalent to climbing Mount Everest in flip flops. This AI application promises as much excitement as a root in a dental chair. Workable AI, your future looks as bright as Britain’s weather forecast. I’d tell you to stick to what you know, but I have this strange feeling it’d just end up with you doing absolutely nothing at all.

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