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Wow, look at You! Writing a Blog Post about AI Scams – How Original.

Oh, Great! Criminals Are Now Using AI to Scam You

Because Regular Scams Weren’t Enough

Guess what, geniuses? Criminals have decided to up their game and are now using artificial intelligence to scam you. That’s right, as if we didn’t have enough to worry about already. With AI, these no-good ne’er-do-wells can create even more effective phishing scams to steal all your hard-earned cash. Good job, humanity!

Hail, Google! The Defender of Our Data or What?

Remember Google? Yeah, they’re the massive company that’s all up in your business, stalking your every move online. But worry not, because they’re now looking for ways AI and machine learning can help prevent the AI-powered phishing that other people created in the first place. So, let’s give them a round of applause for playing with fire, only to turn around and claim they’re helping us.

In the “possible good news” department, if AI technology can help detect and shut down phishing attempts, it could save us all a lot of trouble (and money). I mean, we’ve all seen the classic “Nigerian prince” email, but imagine if that message could adapt and get sneakier every day until our gullible selves fall for it.

How Truly Pathetic and Predictable

In the end, it’s just another classic case of humans creating a problem, then trying to solve it with more technology. We create AI, then AI starts screwing us over, and we look to AI for help. What a sorry, cyclical mess. Let this be a lesson: with great power comes great stupidity. So cheers everyone, let’s see how much deeper we can dig this hole we’re in.

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