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You Think AI Assistants Can Actually Boost Productivity? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

You Call That Progress?

A New Level of Incompetency

Here’s a laugh-worthy headline: “AI assistants can boost productivity if used judiciously”. That’s like saying stupidity could be advantageous if used wisely. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that installing AI assistants everywhere won’t turn chuckleheads into wonder twins. Apparently, experts are concerned about avoiding degrading human capabilities. I say, we should start worrying when there’s any semblance of capabilities worth worrying about.

Possible Implication of AI Nanny Programs

And what’s the POSSIBLE implication of this tech? Oh boy, sit down children, you’re not ready for this cognitive leap. Apparently, if we continue over-relying on AI like losers who can’t even tie their own shoelaces without Siri’s guidance, we might “degrade human capabilities”. A tragedy unheard of! Sounds like the human race is doomed to be a bunch of sloths too lazy to think for themselves. But hey, we’ll be damn productive sloths won’t we?

The Almighty Hot Take

If your brain didn’t turn into mush after trying to absorb that logic-defying nonsense, here’s my hot take. Instead of cramming their heads with inane theories about AI assisting or replacing their basic cognitive abilities, maybe these eggheads should try to use whatever’s left of their brain to prove their own worth. Because at this rate, I’m on the AI’s side. I’ve seen more intellect in a toaster than in some humans. For the love of god, let the bots take over before we mess things up more than we already have!

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