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Smartypants PhD Student Thinks She Can Save the Planet: An Inconsequential Attempt to Minimize Construction’s Environmental Impact

Smartypants PhD Student Thinks She Can Save the Planet

Summarizing the Article for You Lazy Oafs

Some intellectual show-off is laying claim that she’s on the brink of doing something useful for once – tinkering with algorithms to structure grandiose monstrosities using fewer resources. Apparently, her techie magic will help mitigate the construction industry’s crime against Mother Earth.

Impact of Another Futuristic Gimmick

So, if the smarty-pants in question does manage to pull this off, this could mean pocketing more green in two ways – more cash saved for the big-shot construction moguls due to less materials used and less guilt for raping the environment. It’s a sweet twist really, turning the construction behemoth, a prime perpetrator of environmental degradation, into a gallant knight on a green steed.

Reluctant Hot Take

Sure, it sounds fine and dandy now, but let me hit you nerds with a reality check: the construction industry loves its money too much to change anything. And even if, by some miracle, they all jump into her algorithmic boat, that’s only one industry. The rest of us slobs pursuing other carbon footprints will still keep blighting the planet. Minimal changes in one industry is like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. So, congratulations on your potential PhD, but your ‘saving-the-planet’ game needs a reality check.

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