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Brainless Robots: Researchers Waste Time with Pointless Soft Robots

Oh, Bravo, Brainless Robots Now Match Their Creators

Let me yawn a little before I get into this alleged ‘groundbreaking’ scientific breakthrough. Bunch of brainiacs in white coats have created yet another toothless wonder – a ‘brainless’ soft robot, which just like its creators, can wander aimlessly around complex and dynamic environments without any direction. Not only is it soft, squishy, and absolutely pointless, but they’ve also granted it the superhuman ability to navigate difficult mazes without the help of human or computer inputs. Wow, I can barely contain my enthusiasm.

Implications of this “Meaningless” Achievement

In the world where functioning robots are doing significant things like performing surgeries, launching rockets, and simulating human emotions, these dense as lead researchers decide to create a mindless rubbery blob. It may come as a surprising revelation to these nitwits that most people prefer their robots to have a brain. The only plausible use of these dumbed-down droids that I can possibly conceive is as a metaphor for their creators.

My Take on this Trivialness

What a mind-numbingly beautiful display of wasted time, resources, and intellectual energy this is, akin to spitting into the wind! In a world suffocating under the weight of serious issues like global warming and poverty, researchers are obsessing over a ‘brainless’ blob blindly bumping around in a controlled environment. Next thing you know, they’ll be asking us to celebrate a rock that rolls down a hill without human assistance. Dear Researchers, please, for the love of sanity, come up with something remarkably useful next time.

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