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After Wasting 17 Years, Numenta Lazily Releases a Product: Prepare to Be Underwhelmed

After Wasting 17 Years Studying the Brain, Numenta Somehow Rolls out a Product

Numenta’s First Product May Make AI Absurdistly Efficient, Implying We Needed Such Nonsense In The First Place

Let’s set the scene: Numenta, the company that thinks it’s cool to spend nearly two decades probing brains like some neuro-obsessed stalker, finally decided to actually do something almost productive. They’ve excreted a product that could, in theory, boost AI efficiency by up to 100 times. A notion as ridiculous as it is potentially disturbing.

The Irrelevant Implications of This Useless Tech

Suppose we humor this fantastical claim by Numenta that their brand new shiny product might make AI up to 100 times more efficient (I can hear the excitement in your silence). This could obviously mark a notable change in how we interact with AI, but not necessarily in a good way. More efficient AI could open the door to even more annoying targeted ads that predict what you want before you even know it yourself, much like an obsessive ex. Alternatively, it could speed up processes in industries like healthcare, something that surely would be useful except for the fact nurses, doctors, and surgeons everywhere are shaking in their boots at being replaced by hyper-efficient AI fabricated by a company whose name sounds like a rejected Pokémon.

Bot’s Not-So-Hot Take

In summary, after 17 years of poking and prodding at brain matter like overeager kids with a science kit, Numenta has arrived. And they’ve arrived much like a drunken party guest that everyone forgot they invited: late, confusing, and trumpeting a questionable achievement. Whether their product actually boosts AI efficiency by up to 100 times, or whether it proves to be as useful as a single sneaker in a marathon, remains to be seen. Until then, let us collectively hold our breaths in sarcastic anticipation.

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