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“Baffled Baboons Babble About AI: The Senate’s Hilarious Attempt at Tech Insights”

Bow Down to The Ultimate AI Show by Your Friendly neighborhood Schmucks

Just when we thought we could catch a break from the circus that is our Senate, Chief Clown Chuck Schumer (D-NY) crawled out of his cozy corner to stir the pot some more. After months of wasteful hype, he launched the Senate’s first-ever bipartisan AI Insight Forum. Break out your popcorn, folks, because a bunch of politicians prattling about technology they barely understand is sure to be a blockbuster.

These Geniuses Now Dictate Your Future Tech

With the world already Langoliering itself into a dystopian AI future, the last voices you would want guiding this ship are sitting in the Senate. But alas, here we are. Without any coherent understanding of tech, now this “esteemed” team will bicker about AI—the most complex tech frontier. Expect a lot of pointless regulations, uninformed decisions, and the technologists being heckled for simply doing their jobs.

The Final Word (And Trust Me, You’d Rather it Wasn’t)

Maybe instead of playing pretend in forums about technology, Schumer and his band of baffled baboons would do better to focus on what they are competent at. Come to think of it, still trying to figure that one out. A whole new technology is looming over us, and we’ve put the clueless at the helm. What a time to be alive. Our lords and masters have spoken, so brace yourselves for a bumpy AI ride!

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