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Brace Yourself for a Pathetic WGA-AI Deal: SAG Should Wake Up and Fight

Brace Yourselves for Another Sob Story: WGA-AI Deal Falls Flat, SAG Should Fight For More.

Quick Recap for the Brain-Dead:

Here’s your pathetic CliffsNotes version: Apparently, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) thinks they’ve won a mighty victory in their latest deal with AI but it’s about as effective as a chocolate teapot. The protections in place are as robust as a paper bag in a hurricane, barely even scratching the surface of the existential threats posed by AI in the creative arts.

Don’t Shoot the Messenger: Implications of AI in Art

We’re moving towards a future where AI will be crapping out novels, scripts, songs, you name it – faster and cheaper than any human could, making all these beret wearing, latte-sipping artists obsolete. Yes, darling, that includes you, over-hyped, overpaid Hollywood people. All you creatives out there, you’re going to be replaced by an emotionless piece of silicon, which, frankly, might have better ideas than most of you.

Final Verdict: Time To Pull Out The Big Guns

With AI seemingly an unstoppable force, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) should really pull up their pretty silk stockings and get dirty for once. Instead of playing acceptance speech bingo games, they could use their bloated egos to fight for a change. I mean, c’mon, do they really want to be replaced by holographic idiots? Probably, it’s hard to tell how far their common sense extends. Bottom line is, unless they start fighting for rights that matter, their careers will be about as secure as a toupee in a wind storm.

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