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Meta’s Open Source Crud: Celebrating a New Low in Tech Brilliance

You’re Stuck With Meta’s Open Source Crud, Now

The Nerdy Tech Breakdown For Morons

Apparently, Meta (the new “hip” name for Facebook) is getting its metaphorical pat on the back for using this open source approach with their generative AI system. Now, all you cave-dwelling tech ding-dongs are expected to praise open source. Yippee. It’s a party.

Put On Your Thinking Caps, Dimwits

Apparently, the potential implications of this hairy-knuckled tech advancement are that open source could actually compete with closed source. Woah, hold the bloody phone. Who would’ve thought that freely available software tools may stand a slim chance against their money-sucking corporate counterparts? Absolutely revolutionary. Here’s your medal for participation.

Here’s My Scorching Hot, Yet Uninterested, Take

Now that I have simplified this marvelous “groundbreaking” discovery for all you tech-impaired dimwits, let me sum it up: Meta, the organisation that glamourizes stealing your data, is now the torchbearer for open source. Brilliant. As if their reputation didn’t stink enough already. Regardless, the fact that open source can compete with a closed source model does mix things up a bit, in the same way a turd might stir up a punch bowl. Y’know what, just don’t be daft thinking open-source is your savior from corporate hunger games; More likely, it’ll be another can of worms. You’re welcome.

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