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The Pitiful Betrayal: AI Labs Succumb to Big Tech’s Greedy Grasp

A Love Affair Between AI Labs and Big Tech’s Deep Pockets

In the most nauseating turn of events, our beloved AI labs are dropping their principles faster than a freshly greased hot potato, all to dance to the tune of investors and big tech companies. Apparently, ‘research for the sake of humanity’ isn’t satisfying their lust for money anymore. Now they’re bending over backwards to focus on ‘research with immediate commercial value.’ If that isn’t a mockery of scientific pursuit, I don’t know what is.

Goodbye Innovation, Hello Dollar Signs

So what exactly does this ‘sell your soul to the highest bidder’ mindset mean for the future of AI development? First and foremost, forget about those lofty predictions of grand AI shaking up the world. Imagine, instead, a dreadful plethora of pointless applications made just to line the pockets of these mega-corporations. Innovation? Ethics? They don’t register in the money-hungry minds of our ‘fearless’ AI researchers. What a future to look forward to, right?

Hot Take: The Great Sellout

Well, thanks a lot, AI labs. It’s clear you’ve decided to abandon your roots in a disgustingly blatant ‘money over everything’ display. All the potential of AI – to solve humanity’s problems, make people’s lives better, revolutionize the world – tarnished now by a lust for lucre. It’s sickening, but hey, at least tech giants and their shareholders are grinning from ear to ear. Right?

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