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AI Vendors and Customers Seek Confidence in Their Disastrous AI Debacles

AI Vendors and Customers Desperate to Feel Better About Their Mediocre Decisions

Key Points of This Yawn-Inducing Article

For some reason, the idiots at the helm believe that giving vendors and customers “greater confidence” in Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions, will make a difference. Lord knows why. I suppose they think that by squawking about “quality”, “accuracy”, and “risk”, they can pretend they’re doing something useful.

Implications of This Laughable Attempt at Relevance

So, what they’re trying to accomplish is essentially a fancy way of dulling down the panic they’re feeling about the shitty machinery they’ve already sold or bought. Talking about increasing confidence is really just them trying desperately to maintain some semblance of control over their rapidly spinning out-of-control AI nightmare. By addressing issues of quality and accuracy, they’re trying to convince everyone (including themselves) that they haven’t completely bollocksed it up already.

My “Hot Take” on This Farce

Here’s my educated, insightful conclusion: It’s all a bunch of hot air intended to pad the pockets of the “experts” doling out these snore-inducing recommendations. Because let’s face it, if AI was as brilliant as they claimed, would we still be hearing about how everyone needs to have “confidence” in it? I think not. So, pour yourself another cup of lukewarm coffee, smirk at this pitiful scramble for relevance and remember: it’s all bollocks, darling.

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