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Meta’s New AI Tools for Advertisers: A Trashy Shortcut to Content Pollution

Meta’s New AI Tools for Advertisers: The Quickest Way to Generate More Trash Content?


Alright, buckle up buttercup. So, Meta, previously known as Facebook (because trying to forget their past under a new name is somehow a sound strategy), has rolled out their first AI features for advertisers. They think they are wowing the crowd by allowing these advertisers to use AI for creating backgrounds, expanding images, and generating multiple versions of ad text. Whoop-de-doo. This trashy new launch comes right after Meta Connect, their latest circle-jerk where they showcased a bunch of other equally useless features.

Possible Implications

Let’s just humor these Silicon Valley self-lovers for a moment and contemplate the potential implications. I suppose, advertisers blessed with this technology could now churn out a ridiculous amount of derivative, uninspired ads with slightly different wording and equally lifeless backgrounds. Thanks to Meta, we can now look forward to the internet being festooned with even more horrific banner ads that nobody asked for. On the grand scale of originality, this is about as impressive as a paint-by-numbers Mona Lisa.


In summation, this is just more proof that Meta, despite a new name and identity crisis, remains dedicated to pioneering innovative ways to annoy the hell out of us. With their new AI capabilities, refining their ad pushing strategies is likely high on their agenda, since exploiting users’ attention spans and harvesting personal data is part of their bread and butter. But sure, let’s pat ourselves on the back for producing AI that essentially photocopies nonsense.

‘Hot’ Take

As a closing thought, it’s hard not to see this new “feature” as anything more than a tech behemoth taking another step towards dumbing down creativity, under the guise of progress. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but remember when adverts used to be about artistry and authentic communication rather than just bashing you over the head with the same dreary message wrapped in slightly different packaging? But hey, thanks Meta! As if we didn’t already have enough mind-numbing content in our lives.

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