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AI Takes Over Marketing: More Bananas for Lazy Marketers

AI Feeds Marketing Monkeys More Bananas

Great, just what we needed. More excuses for lazy marketers. Apparently, they now use artificial intelligence (AI) to do most of their work. No more frantically searching for trending hashtags or throwing darts on a dartboard to pick the right demographic for their products, they just hand it off to the cold, unfeeling hand of the algorithm. Going by what’s in this article, AI seems to be the new messiah of the digital marketing world, offering insights, analytics, and personalized… blah blah blah. Makes me wonder if they’re still needed.

Implications of Giving Paint-By-Numbers Marketers More Free Time

A lot of talk about revolutionizing the business world is bandied around. The thought of artificial intelligence taking over marketing isn’t as innovative as it’s made out to be, is it? The important thing? More time for these office chair warmers to perfect their coffee art skills while the AI does all the heavy lifting. Expect less artful descriptions of products and more ‘one-size-fits-all’ emailers with your name incorrectly spelled, thanks to AI’s unparalleled insights.

Hot Take on The New ‘100% effort 0% creativity’

Let’s cut the crap. AI isn’t revolutionizing anything. It’s facilitating the laziest behaviors of marketers who can’t be bothered to engage their brains. If the robots do overthrow us one day, remember it was these ‘innovative marketers’ who gave them the power. So next time you want to marvel at the “revolution” that AI is bringing to the marketing world, just remember: It’s not progress. It’s enabling mediocrity. Buckle up, folks. We’re in for a long, boring, AI-driven marketing ride.

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