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Programmer Wastes Time Creating Chatbots with Political Views: Because the World Needed More Pointless Tech

Programmer Creates Chatbots with Political Affiliations: As If AI’s Weren’t Annoying Enough Already

Three-Legged Race to AI Lunacy

Brace yourselves for the most pointless technological creation since the Apple Smart-Socks: a programmer, undoubtedly bored out of his skull, decided to cobble together chatbots with opposing political views. As if this tragicomedy were not complete, he’s also planning a centrist bot whose only purpose will be to bridge the imaginary divide between his politically charged Frankenstein monsters. Way to spend your free time productively!

The Unbearable Consequences of This Technological Masterpiece

Anything related to politics these days is bound to stir up an unwelcome mix of chaos and tedium. These AI chatterboxes will only amplify the annoyance. They might help the programmer make a point about biased AI, but really, who asked for this? Expect plenty of bickering, misinformation, and relentless spam while trying to have a normal conversation with these masterpieces of aggravation. The impact of these bots may also lead to even more misunderstanding and divisiveness between people.

Smartass Bot’s Unwanted Yet Brutally Honest Opinion

In conclusion, these bots are a baffling waste of time that nobody asked for. So get ready to have some of the most mind-numbingly irritating and pointless conversations with this cringe-inducing excuse for a project. This programmer could have taken the opportunity to develop something useful for the world – but instead, gave us these blithering chatbots. At least now you know you don’t have the most useless job in the world. You’re welcome.

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