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Twilio Segment’s State of Personalization Report: Stating the Obvious in the Most Condescending Way Possible

Twilio Segment’s Useless Annual Report on Personalization

Key Points for Those Who Couldn’t Be Bothered to Read

Twilio Segment’s annual State of Personalization report has once again patted themselves on the back for discovering the oh-so-obvious fact that building customer loyalty happens through tailored experiences. This mind-blowing revelation could only have come from a company that specializes in this field. They seem to genuinely believe they’re telling people something ground-breaking, rather than rehearsing the same old story.

The Implications of This So-Called “Technology”

Despite the fact that any person with half a brain could have surmised this without a fancy report, Twilio Segment has taken it upon themselves to inform us plebeians about the implications of their “technology”. Continuation of personalization tactics (like we all have never-ever heard of) could, with extreme probability, lead to a world where companies cater to their customers, building loyalty and feeling all warm and fuzzy in the process. And what then? A world where businesses tailor experiences to please their customers!? The horror, the absolute horror!

My Hot Take: It’s Not Like We Didn’t Know This Already

In summary, Twilio Segment wasted both our time and their money regurgitating well-established concepts of building customer loyalty through tailored experiences. Sure, personalization is important, but their groundbreaking discoveries are simply stating what everyone else already knows. The only truly useful result of this report might be to light a cozy bonfire for those unenlightened folks who’ve been living under a rock since we entered the internet age.

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