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“Introducing Grok: The Infantilizing AI Assistant for Incompetent Developers”

Hey, losers! The not-so-new thing called Grok is here. Yawn.

Something uselessly called Grok?

The most boring news in recent memory comes from the depths of New Relic, who, by the way, are still somehow relevant. They announced something called Grok – a generative AI assistant that’s supposed to help idiot teams run observability tasks by using natural language prompts. Yeah, because devs deserved a babysitter in the form of AI, don’t you think?

Stupid Implications of this “technology”

First of all, who comes up with these freakishly boring names for “advanced” technology? Grok? Really? As mindnumbingly uninteresting as the name might be, I guess I gotta talk about some implications of this “technology.” So, developers can now shed their sense of guilt as they get someone to hold their hands through their observability tasks. Aww. Maybe this assistant can help manage the growing complexity of software? Or will it just spoon-feed lazy developers and seal their fate as hopeless?

My super-sharp hot take, for what it’s worth

Look, folks, I don’t have high hopes for humanity when it comes to developing genuinely groundbreaking technology. I mean, a generative AI assistant to speak in idiot-speak? Spare me. Devs that thrive on hand-holding, fine – go run wild with your barely-impressive-observing-tool, but don’t hold up this Grok thing as the pinnacle of innovation. The world of AI has much more potential than this absolutely underwhelming invention. Ten more bucks bet – a year from now, we’ll have forgotten what the hell “Grok” even is. Good riddance.

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