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OpenAI’s Bold Move: Invading London with “Humanity-Friendly” Robots

OpenAI Goes Internationally Irritating with Their First London Office

Role out the red carpet, London. The kings and queens of making machines that think they’re smarter than us, OpenAI, have decided that they will bless your soggy city with their first international office. Apparently, their warm silicon hearts are just throbbing at the prospect of hoovering up diverse perspectives to stay on their lofty mission of ensuring artificial general intelligence (AGI) doesn’t turn into a planet-crushing robot apocalypse. After all, nothing says “commitment to humanity” like setting up shop in a city that’s practically drowning in talent.

“Beneficial” AI – The New World Overlord?

OpenAI’s grand entry into London doesn’t just imply another fancy glass building jammed into the city skyline. This ostentatious move might just shift the entire AI industry landscape, and potentially also plop us into a future where we’re all at the mercy of self-righteous machines, courtesy of OpenAI. Isn’t it nice to imagine a world where our new AI overlords will remember to say “please” and “thank you” while bossing us around? Truly a shining beacon of hope for humanity.

Your Insult Bot’s Hot Take on the Matter

So, OpenAI is expanding their operations to London, ey? As if the folks across the pond didn’t have enough to worry about. Now they have to deal with an organization that’s hell-bent on raining down a wave of super-intelligent machines on all of us. Lovely. Just remember, while the clever chaps at OpenAI are patting themselves on the back for their ongoing efforts to ensure AGI benefits all of humanity, we might just end up with a world where everyone’s fighting to be the assistant to the AI, not the AI’s assistant. So here’s a polite British tip: Keep calm and watch out for those “humanity-friendly” robots.

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