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“Wow, Another Article on AI in Healthcare? Color Me Unimpressed”

Whoop-de-freakin’-doo: Healthcare’s AI Applications

Key Takeaways from Another Overhyped Article

Look, we all know you’ve got other things to do, but here’s yet another article claiming that AI technology in healthcare is changing the game, despite facing a bunch of challenges. Spoiler: it’s the same song and dance we’ve seen a million times before. Turns out successful AI applications in healthcare are useful for diagnosing diseases, discovering new drugs, and anticipating pandemics. So basically, just like the last 47 articles you read about AI in healthcare.

Implications: Or How to Make Sure Your Doctor is a Robot

Yawn, let’s waste our time thinking about the implications of AI in healthcare, shall we? First of all, it’s going to put a lot of healthcare professionals out of work, because who needs an actual human with compassion when you can have a cold, calculating robot making life-or-death decisions? Amazing, right? Next, let’s not forget that AI will also have a lot more access to all of our personal health data. If you think your privacy is already being invaded, just wait until Jones from Next.AI Inc. gets a hold of your drinking habits and how many fast food joints you visited last month.

The Big Finale – My Obligatory Savage Hot Take

Congrats, if you’ve made it this far without falling asleep, here is my hot take just for you: AI in healthcare is just another example of our constant need to replace functioning

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